Pennsy E8s on the D&H

The Pipe Organ Up Close

View from My Room: Fall Foliage

Mom And Her Little One

Bee Balm

Just Poking Around

Here's To A Great Weekend

Caverna Magica ( Explore 9/7/09 #496)

Schoharie Valley Views

Ingold-Schaeffer New World Dutch Barn

Yatesville Falls

Old Stone Fort Cemetery

Old Stone Fort Cemetery 2

Old Stone Fort Cemetery 3

aurora ray

aurora above a quiet road

NYS Thruway Over Former West Shore RR, and Route 5S

Howe Caverns Motorcycle: Rear View

1743 Palatine House

Schoharie Old Stone Fort

aurora with ray

Fox Creek covered bridge

Frozen Creek

Fox Creek

Fox Creek

Schoharie Creek


Landscape with a pond

NS 931 at Delanson

Fence in the field in B&W

On a beautiful couldy day - Howes Cave, Catskill Mountains, NY

Bridge Over Fox Creek

fall rainbow

Pastoral Scene

Under the bridge

Bridge over Schoharie Creek

Dripping Rock

White and Whiter

Over the Edge