Rub the Sleep From Your Eyes

columbia gorge

Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower…

View of Columbia River Near Portland OR USA-5a

November Sunrise

Just being a tourist

Spokane Portland and Seattle 700 Departing

"Columbia River Panorama"

So lucky to have friends @jess_pdx and @hinespdx (sbka* @HinesBeLike) to go out randomly hunting for city views on a lark. * = should be known as

Full harvest moon atop Vista House

Four views of a elm tree at sunrise (or: The Walk-Around)

I-205 Blue Hour

they think like me, cool...

Columbia River Gorge

Ross Island Bridge, study 8

Reading light

Day 154 :: they would make your name sing

We got kicked out of the local park for being off-leash by Park Rangers. The next closest gated, off-leash park on the Portland Parks & Recreation list of places to go was an extra 80 blocks away, but well worth the surprise view of Mt. St. Helens. #NYTvo

But if you wanna see the future, go stare into a cloud.

Camper Side View, SE Portland

Too Little Depth of Field

Competing Interests

Broad is the Way that Leadeth to Destruction

... late afternoon sun brightens the tall weeds [in urban wetlands] ...

Columbia River Gorge

Tree around the block from me

Into the fog

Vista's Morning Break

Storm over the Columbia River Gorge

A walk in the woods

Joint Landscape with Sensetive Approach


Mt. Hood seen from the top of Powell Butte.

These are tall trees. See the people walking on the trail in front of me? They look tiny!

Urban Jungle

columbia gorge, take 2

Give me comatose joy like rerun T.V.

Fall at the Gorge.

Secret Garden