Beautiful Landscape ...

End of summer time in the Swiss Alps. Furka pass ,a view to the Grate Wallis . No. 2266.

Switzerland the Grimsel Dam view from a swiss post bus. August 27, 2009(19)

Giacciaio del Basòdino

Goms: Winter Wonderland

Burn Baby Burn

The Grimsel See the Furka pass and The Rhonegletscher . A view from Sidelhorn (2764m alt.) . No. 7725.

Furka Pass | Explore

Ghiacciaio del Basòdino

Chilchhorn 2789m - Passo della Novena - Ticino - Svizzera

Lago Scuro - Narèt

Border - Passo della Novena / Nufenenpass - Ticino / Wallis - Switzerland

Eglise et village de Biel, commune de Grafschaft, district de Conches, canton du Valais, Suisse.

View to Furka 2011

View to Furka-Pass

view from the furka....explore!

Lenticular Clouds - Nufenenpass - Ticino / Wallis - Switzerland

View from the Chilchhorn - Wallis / Ticino - Svizzera

Nufenenpass and Gries Glacier - Ticino / Wallis - Switzerland [Explored #4]

Alpine snowbells at the Nufenenpass - Wallis/Ticino - Schweiz [Explored #18 - backdated]

Chilchhorn 2789m - Ticino - Svizzera