
Rhein twilight

View From The Castle Wall

Schloss Freudenberg.


Monday, Monday.

Jailhouse Rock

2012 04 03 Taunus Treedom XII

your point of view

Their Door, Our Window

Blick auf die Hohe Wurzel - View to the Hohe Wurzel

Bijou a Havanese of 13.5 month.

Mainz Turm - HDR Panorama

Almost bought these

Lady's Ambiente

Schierstein coat of arms

Nerobergbahn, Wiesbaden


Klosterkirche Eberbach - Blick zum Altarraum 2

Blick in den Herbstwald - View of the autumn forest

Living in a Tree

Blick vom Neroberg auf Wiesbaden

Picture Book Szene

The name of the rose

Tropical Rhein

Spring Green


On the north side of the tower looking north

German Country Road

2017 01 22 8°° 8° Oestrich - 36

Kloster Eberbach Dormitory

Off with his head

Kloster Eberbach Dormitory panorama

2017 10 19 Baum bei Presberg IR - 8

The church in the vineyard

Parque del Balneario de Wiesbaden.