If I go crazy.... (18 of 365)

June Downpour -BW

Linton Stevens Covered Bridge - Underneath (HDR 07)

Chickadee Flight

Common Oblique Syrphid (Allograpta obliqua)

Ready for Santa

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” (57 of 365)

burrowing webworm moth (Amydria)

Curve-lined Bird-dropping Moth (Tarache terminimaculata)

spotted orbweaver (Neoscona crucifera)

The VCP Spring Exhibit is coming together! View the amazing student work on Wednesday from 8 - 4 p.m. in the Tech Center. #cecilcollegelife

Gilpin's Falls Covered Bridge

by @vluxxy "View from accounting class. #cecilcollegelife #cecilcollege"

Not the view of the trap field one usually has...

Views from the Backseat

Clothes Moth (Tinea mandarinella)

Silver Butterfly Sideview-Square

dark curves

View of the Bridge to The Gorge

Gilpin's Falls Covered Bridge

Wash away the day (4 of 365)

The Line in Winter 17/100

Freshly Fallen

Time to Reflect

country roads {explored}

Moore Road Viaduct -Winter

white house with moon

Cloaked Lines -30/100

alfalfa evening

HAY straw. #farm #hay

A beautiful little farm near Peach Bottom, PA. #farm #pennsylvania #landscape #scenic

chestnut and creeping phlox

Fair Hill NRMA

Highland Cow

Forest Primeval

night graze

Panorama of Pine Forge Covered Bridge-8

What Summer Will Leave Behind

A picturesque farm along the Maryland/Pennsylvania line. #Maryland #pennsylvania #farm #nature #scenic #country #outdoors #nature #landscape


Advent, day sixteen