Panoramic style (again!), January 12, 2016

New Horn Lake Walmart, fuel center in the fading daylight

Headed inside the new Horn Lake Walmart for the first time

Looking down the front parking lot lane, HL Walmart opening day

Another sunset view of the now open Horn Lake Walmart

Low Price alley (at the Horn Lake Walmart)

I'm watching you, watching me (bud(s)!)

Lonely lil' Pepsi machine :(

HL Walmart, Market entryway, opening night view

Empty outer portion of the parking lot, grand opening evening

Panoramic style view

Health & Wellness again, viewed from the southwest end of the store

View from seasonal, across part of the the front action alley (flickr photo 5000!)

Auto Care Center (exterior), grand opening week, day 5 view

New Horn Lake Walmart, main front logo

Day 5 of business: behold Health & Wellness, with grand opening balloons galore!

Another front view: self checkouts at grocery end

Garden center, side view copy

Walmart Horn Lake, left side view, December 6, 2015

Auto care Center (interior)

Lola on the Hill

(19 of 183)-1

Mississippi -

New Horn Lake Walmart - long view

DeSoto Water Tower

latimer park 2011--3

latimer park 2011--2

Down on the boardwalk.... #lake #boardwalk #lakelife #sunshine #water

The Worn Path

Harrahs Tunica

Mississippi Delta

Sunset On The Delta

Old Kia Kima Campout - Oct 2007

Egret Flock

Rice field

View W down Fitz Blvd

It's snowing!

So where's the Walmart already!??

Long view of the entire new Horn Lake Walmart building