1954 Kaiser Roadster Custom

Bountiful Buds v3.0

The Last One

Bountiful Buds v2.0

Series of areola on Giant Saguaro cactus

Reaching for the Sky

Hurricane Newton Pre-Arrival

Pink Amid the Greenery

Hey Buddy

Down Low

No Two Alike

Hear the Coyotes Sing

Silhouette Sky

Sonoran Desert in Winter

Don't Fence Me In

December Sky

That Guy

Evening in Cactusland

Sunset on Cactusland

Bountiful Buds

Saved By Zero

Dead silence.

Another Ho-Hum Sunset Tonight

Arizona Autumn Weather

Cholla to the World

Let it Rain

Always Take Your iPhone

Message Received

Wild Wild West

Giants of the Desert

Once Upon a Desert Eve

An Evening in Cactusland

Juvenile Saguaro

Skyward Saguaros

Thunderbird bridge

The pleasant sunsets