68 / 365: Love




The Fourth | 185/369 2013

Little House | 189/365

Icy Blue

Arches | 243/365

Late Fall Grasses | 350/365

Pea Soup | 284/365

Cemetery 1

Jester Park

Moving Day | 180/365

Set 'em up, Joe | 250/365

Nook (5/365)

66 / 365: Gentle Spirals

Steeple in Fog | 112/365

Day 349 - Elevator

IAIS 707 - Hickman Overpass EB - Urbandale IA

Doorway Dance

Day 321: uouɐɔ

Flynn Barn - Living History Farms

Fall Harvest - Living History Farms

Big Creek State Park

2012 Living in Clive

Pelicans on Des Moines River

Path I

Jester Park

Mirrored Landscape | 064/365 2013

Day 199: Three Fountains

Along the Trail


Jester Park Autumn

Pond Reflections

#Yellow and #orange #flowers create #quilts #flores #amarelas e #laranja criar quilts #fiori #gialli e #arancioni creano #trapunte #gelben und #orangen #Blumen schaffen Quilts #flores #amarillas y #anaranjadas crean #edredones #fleurs #jaunes et orange cr

#yellow #flowers

#pink and #yellow #flowers

Notes From Yesterday's Meeting

Off The Path