Toledo Ohio - Toledo Museum of Art - Exterior View - Historic

UT Center for Visual Arts: "Strange Brew"

UT Center for Visual Arts: "LOOK UP"

Toledo Ohio - The Toledo Museum of Art - Sunset View

Ms. Yellow warbler (View Large)

Playin' in the Snow

My Dad & His 3 yr. Project

New Digs

Beer & a Boat

New View

M/V Saginaw from the new perch

SS Alpena - Toledo

Algoma Spirit - Toledo

Industrial Railroading

High & Wide With the Algosteel

DSCF0783 - Pantyhose by Cette Style is Panama these are 15 Denier and Shade is Soleil

Inbound Downtown

Schoonmaker deck with a view of Toledo

DSCF0789 - Pantyhose by Cette Style is Panama these are 15 Denier and Shade is Soleil

Block Party at Toledo Museum of Art

Bridge Over the Maumee

Algoma Olympic at Dusk


Ohio Wetlands

A Night With the Saginaw

NS 67Z - Northwood, Ohio


CSX Q289-26 CP Returns Home

Risky Steps

Predawn in the Glass City

July 13 day 194

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Toledo's Union Terminal

Order Within Chaos

Lake Erie Near Toledo, Ohio

Holy Toledo

What to Do?

Pond Reflections

8033 Northbound

Morning at Metzger Marsh