A 'Slow' Meteor Crosses the Skies (NASA, Marshall, 01/03/12)

Day 124 - Green Spiral

Self portrait

2016 NASA in the Park

Day - 80 Pista

Day 180 - The Driver

Dryad's Saddle Mushroom (Polyporus squamosus) (See 1st comment)

Day - 76 Spring Morning

Magnificent Dogwood Tree, Huntsville Botanical Garden, Hunstville, AL 2009

DAY - 74 Bokeh Test: AF-S 50mm vs. Ai-S 50mm

DAY 83 - Hollywood

Day 77 - Two Lips of Spring

Alabama, Huntsville, Huntsville Depot Museum, Roundhouse (Reconstructed)

Afternoon #Storm, #UAH pan 5-16-09 - soh-1

Day 75 - After the Storm.

Alabama, Huntsville, Huntsville Depot Museum

Day 72 - Stealing the Show

Day 198 - Tomato Splash

View from HudsonAlpha, Huntsville, Alabama

Day - 92 Tick Seed

Day - 45 Aged to Perfection

River in the Mist

if you must falter be wise

Huntsville 09-24-2017 - Huntsville Museum of Art 1

Big Spring International Park 09-2017 5

Big Spring International Park 09-2017 1

Redstone Arsenal Hike

Kildaire #Mansion, #Huntsville, Alabama's " #Haunted House" - h4152

Indian Creek, Madison, Alabama

American Strawberry-bush - Euonymus americanus

On a hill today

Huntsville Brahan Spring Park sunset, AL, USA

Huntsville 08-2016 - Sunset 1

Big Spring International Park 09-2017 12

Big Spring International Park 09-2017 11

Lee's Water

Beautiful Day

US Space and Rocket Center 06-11-2018 64 HDR

A Day on the Mountain (HDR)

Huntsville, Al

Huntsville 08-2016 - Sunset 2

Spring On The Mountain