Park 碧湖公園

晨涼 _IMG_7976

麗夜正起 ~Night view @ 台北市,信義區 Xinyi metropolitan District , Taipei~

The lake around my home 臺北碧湖公園

重陽橋暮色 IMG_3827

Taipei Dreams

夜曲巴別塔( מגדל בבל Migdal Bavel) ~Dusk and Twilight of Taipei101 and Xinyi metropolitan District~

貓熊世界之旅臺北 - Pandas World Tour Taipei

Spread Your Wings Taipei

(豁然? )惑然之境 ~新店,直潭淨水場 Dawn of Jhihtan Water Purification Plant~

光耀大稻埕 IMG_1551

台北101 - Nightfall of Taipei 101

台北不夜城 - Night view of ShinYi district - Taipei City

Roof view - highway bridge, tunnel and river. Night shot long exposure HDR

景在大稻埕 Dadaocheng Wharf / Taipei, Taiwan

客家跨堤平台 Hakka Cross-Dike Platform, Taipei

Before the storm 塗潭夕照

Solar eclipse

晨涼 _IMG_7970

street spirit

碧潭夜影 Bitan Night / Taipei, Taiwan

2014.8.15 忠孝碼頭日出晨彩


2012_11_03_091 | In Explore

Taipei 101,Taiwan

Natural Silk 絲絲入扣

內洞晨光。內洞瀑布。信賢瀑布。內洞溪。內洞斜射光。娃娃谷 Neidong, Taiwan Forest Recreation _IMG_2638

Sunrising in Feisui Reservoir 潭腰日出

Da-Hwu Park,Taipei,Taiwan


期待 ~新店,(舊)台大安康農改場 Paddy field~

Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and carry on~



Sleeping with Fog 望外遙山宿霧輕

2012 Day6 (204)

台北大直橋 Da-Zhi Bridge, Taipei
