Deadwood, Reflections, and Colours...

Acclamatory Moment II

一早醒來就漫步在雲端好愜意~。#^^#。nice view feel so good~

遠眺 / Overlooking

Moody Morning in Sun Moon Lake II

五城夜琉璃。金龍山。仙楂腳。槌子寮 Nantou, Taiwan _IMG_4143

五城。金龍山 Nantou, Taiwan _IMG_4144

集集綠色隧道 Jiji Green Tunnel, Taiwan _IMG_5254

Early Morning Reflection, Sun Moon Lake!

The Sun Over the Clouds

A Good Break in Sun Moon Lake

Acclamatory Moment...

Taiwan Adventist College (三育基督學院)

Layers of Tea Trees


Moody Morning in Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan


九族櫻姿 IMG_4363

戀戀櫻花 IMG_4249

九族春櫻 IMG_3548

等待花火的插曲 Sun Moon Lake, Nantou

月兒彎彎 Sunrise with Moon

南投 五城之美~五城日出

日月潭出水口 Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan

morning rays

Fong-Huang-Gu Bird and Ecology Park

Sunrise @ Sun Moon Lake (朝霧耶穌光)

Morning Rays


morning reflection



Plum Garden

Sun Moon Lake / 日月潭

明潭鏡映朝霧起~ Wharf @ Sun Moon Lake~

Striated Prinia 斑紋鷦鶯(TW100) 6Z2K5714-1

Striated Prinia 斑紋鷦鶯(TW100) 6Z2K5939-1


Sunday morning