(豁然? )惑然之境 ~新店,直潭淨水場 Dawn of Jhihtan Water Purification Plant~

Under full moon

20120613_鳥瞰新北橋夜色_5D3_5896 + 5915

熱情盛放 Blooming Passion ~新店,直潭淨水場 Dawn of Jhihtan Water Purification Plant~



Christmas City / TAIWAN {EXPLORE}

Small Ray 銳 ~新店,直潭淨水場 Dawn @ Jhihtan Water Purification Plant , New Taipei City~

The World of Waterdrop

夜寐茶房 之 鐵觀音拿鐵 ~新店,直潭淨水場 Night Exposure of Jhihtan Water Purification Plant~

佇立 Standing Still / Taipei, Taiwan

Fireworks on Sunshine Bridge, New Taipei City │ Nov. 26, 2011

Reaching The Ring

Sunshine Bridge

Christmas tree

彎延 Sunset & Bridge, Taipei

彎彎的小溪,慢慢的流 ~Dawn @ New Taipei Expwy 新北大橋~

City Night

Christmas Circus / TAIWAN


Vessel of the city 城市的血脈

期待 ~新店,(舊)台大安康農改場 Paddy field~


Sleeping with Fog 望外遙山宿霧輕




2016-07-07 18.57.29

Cold Current 天寒霧雨正霏微

Foggy Taipei 雲暗春山霧壓城

2016-07-07 18.58.18

Wanban Bridge of Taipei

2016-07-07 18.58.50

Taipei in the Advection Fog 迷霧牽雲夢不遲

Drifting Fog 置我飛雲卷霧中

Spring Fog 暖隨水霧先春發

天使的眼淚 [Explored-2014-09-04]

Day 92-2/365 I Am Falling, but... DON'T Catch Me...

Natural Silk 絲絲入扣