~ Foggy morning of Taipei101 and Xinyi metropolitan District~

Typhoon Is on the Way...

Taipei sunset

詩與夜的唱游 ~Aerial Night view @ Xinyi Road & metropolitan District , Taipei ~


奔流 _IMG_8146

寶石方塊 Bejeweled City(^^) ~Dusk and Twilight of Taipei101 and Xinyi metropolitan District~

Sunny Sunset 滿天餘彩漾晴霞

桶后瀑布 Shindian, Taiwan _IMG_2019

Dancing party tonight.

Maybe Baby

Taipei 101 night view

青色的Set me free~Dawn of Tea-filed & Chiang Wei-shui Memorial Freeway~

Bifrost ~Dusk and twilight of RainBow Bridge~

Taipei 101 night view



背影 _IMG_7596

Freedom Plaza 廣庭含夕氣


象山 - 台北夜景


暗處春光 ~烏來,桶后溪 Tonghou river~

光著腳丫的時候 ~烏來,桶后溪 Tonghou river~

奔 ~ Stream vally in a mysterious forest with sunlight shining through the lavish greenery @ A-Yu Rivulet , Wulai 烏來,阿玉溪 ~

秋芒鱷魚島 Crocodile Island, Taiwan _IMG_8894

期待 ~新店,(舊)台大安康農改場 Paddy field~

奇特的天空雲 Strange sky clouds

Time, Rowing Against The Current

Summer Heat 四野炎炎暑氣隆

Black-faced bunting male 灰頭黑臉鵐(台130) A75Y8805___AAA

晨涼 _IMG_7970

台北市 慈惠堂

馬蹄彎。桶后林道 Xindian, Taiwan _IMG_2034


天空雲 Sky cloud

阿玉溪 A-Yu Creek, Shidian, Taiwan _IMG_7878

Clouds on the mountains in Taipei

擁擠的都市 Crowded city

Eyebrowed Thrush (白眉鶇)