Just a Perfect Day

3 by 4 view.

Mystical blue

Поглед на Кумодраж у даљини~~~View of Kumodraž neighborhood

Bench In the park

Belgrade just before Covid19 lockdown

X and F view

War tools

Someone To Watch Over You

St. Sava Temple, Belgrade

Поглед на стари Београд, реку Саву и Саборну Цркву

Celestial Theatre | Belgrade | Serbia

St. Sava Temple, Belgrade

Old between

Zappa Barka of Belgrade

Црква Светог Саве и Храм светог Саве

Colourless Day

Holy view

Air pollution in Belgrade

New "Old Belgrade" face

Church of St. Mark

Pobednik (Eng. The Victor)

Σερβια P1290800

Beautiful sunset

Sunset on Sava

Thunder storm

when the nature puts a red carpet for your arrival

Gardos view

Jajinci - Serbia

Belgrade with Savamala Waterfront

Tito's View

Beograd 27.7.18.

Neboysa tower...


Belgrade sunset

Lightning storm

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