Sonnenuntergang am Kanstein

Sonnenuntergang am Kanstein


Waldweg zum Kanstein

the complete view with tower

Luftbild Mühlhausen

A view from the entry to the pool

Luftbild Mühlhausen

Sonnenuntergang am Kanstein

Building at Leinefelde station

Town fungus

Autumn Sun & Clouds :)

Germany in Autumn

Leaves in Autumn ::

Germany in Autumn


Endlich Winter

#clouds #cloud #cloudporn #cloudphotography #sky #skyporn #blue #bluesky #white #germany #deutschland #wolken #blau #weiß #thuringia #thüringen #sun #sunday #harz #harzmountains #bleicherode #landscape #instagood #instadaily

Leaves in Autumn ::

Birkunger Stausee

Motocross .


1, 2, 3

Summer Field


Leaves in Autumn ::


Am Birkunger Stausee

Landschaft im Eichsfeld

sunset over Eichsfeld

Experimentation with Sun & Clouds :)