Pond Vista in Durham Point NH

Cocheco Falls at Dusk

M45 imaged with 50mm Borg

Cocheco Mill Smokestack

Stonehouse Pond - Barrington NH

Cocheco Mill Smokestack

Dover, NH: Anyone know what this building is?

Wagon on the Hill

Dover, NH: View of the city

Dover, NH: Skyline from the tower

11-07 Bsktbll - WCS Crusaders vs Saunders Blue Devils - 1

Dover, NH: 'Dirty Dovah' Skyline

Dover, NH: Lookin' Out to 'Dovah'

Rare Flowering Tree

12-07 Bsktbll - UNH - Saunders vs WCS Crusaders - 128

North from Garrison Hill Tower

Eliot, Maine PD

like jean pierre

One Washington Center Mill

What a view!

Downtown Dover from Garrison Hill Tower

General Sullivan Bridge

Mountain lake. India ink.

Old Stone Wall, Baer Road, Rollinsford, New Hampshire

JSinon_Week 47: Feeling Nostalgic

Kayak. Pastel.

Grating Nature


Cocheco Falls 2

Kayakers in #P-Town. Pastel on newsprint.

Cocheco Falls at sunset, Dover, NH

#trees #nature #dovernh #newhampshire #nh #outdoors

A New England Spring

Good morning!


Barrington Bog HDR

Rain Walk-10

Grove of Trees

Morning Reflections
