Eunice Edgerton Huntington Strong in Mourning, Albumen Carte de Visite, Circa 1862

Same day - same view - a lot less bleak!

My view for the day from Susan's side of the room. Pretty bleak, pretty bleak indeed.

In the woods of Lisbon

Red-shouldered hawk

Always grateful for a river view... 2016-02-02 #365grateful #riverside #riverside #wanderlust #doyoutravel #ontheroadagain #traveling #jj_blackwhite #blackandwhite #monochrome

Peace View

Norwich Fireworks 66

Periscope View

Happy Trails. #autumn #trees #views #CTLife #famfunday

Norwich Harbor

Planet Periscope

#TopFloor #Penthouse #Sunrise #View from my room...#Blessed #Tourlife #StillIRise

Harrison's Landing Side View (2014) (1 of 1)

Essay - Day 27

Periscope view

Norwich Fireworks 39

horse pond pano

Norwich Fireworks 27

Norwich Fireworks 64

Norwich Fireworks 65

Color pop

Digging in the Archives

Fall Foliage, Ledyard CT

Digging in the Archives

Indian Leap

Let it Wash Over You

These trees.

Old Line

2009-06-29 16:52:25 -0400

Sunset I

Peace at Cote Pond

dying flowers

Autumn Foliage -- Nehantic State Forest -- Lyme CT.

Autumn Foliage -- Nehantic State Forest -- Lyme CT.

Sunset II

pond scene

Rock Pond


Yantic Falls, lower, Helios

Autumn Foliage -- Nehantic State Forest -- Lyme CT.