After dinner

My 4,000th Flickr Upload. 6.4 Million Total Views. Thanks Everyone!

Georgia Power & Central Georgia EMC Switch Positions!!

Getting ready to depart on ATL 27R-9L

Atlanta Departure

Next In Line

2nd in Line to Depart Atlanta

#ReclaimingTheCrown continues tomorrow night with "The View: Dialogue Amongst Queens" in the Laker Hall Multipurpose Room. Don't you dare miss it. I'm serious.

Pine Cone

Atlanta, Stone Mountain

The busiest airport in the world

Shadows of the Past

Bird's Eye View...

Hospital Parking Deck View

#ReclaimingTheCrown continues tomorrow night with "The View: Dialogue Amongst Queens" in the Laker Hall Multipurpose Room. Don't you dare miss it. I'm serious.

Spivey sunrise

Cyrano Darner (Nasiaeshna pentacantha) Exuvia. Left profile.

My point of view. |RAIN| Sometimes, you can find some peace of mind sitting in the car on a cloudy overcast day. #rain #quiet #peace

The view from the sound booth


Lakeside View

Beautiful day in the neighborhood


Dominican coast

Creek, Clark Community Park, Stockbridge, Georgia


Harps Lake, Dekalb County, GA

Swan Lake

Arabia Mountain Trail

An Oasis

Fall across the St

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IMG_20180728_112612 2018-07-28 Flint River headwaters tour Finding the Flint Hannah Palmer Hapeville East Point Georgia

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W Trek Day 4 - Lunch...

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Nash Farm Battlegrounds

Panola Bridge and Lake HDR 3 PL 9974

Trees - Stockbridge, Georgia

Sawhorse Mailbox

Hydrangeas on Emerald