Snowless Schimbrig

Frustrated Ambitions

Maple Tree

With a view to the skies

20110613_3 Boat on Brienzersee (which was beautifully turquoise IRL!) | Brienz, Switzerland

1 Night on the Glaubenberg

Entlebuch At Dusk

View from a Swiss train

Lungern Panorama (OW)

View from a Swiss train

Musiktage Donaueschingen 2014

Schrattenfluh II

A wonderful day!

Last night

before the storm

Ice garden ...

Schrattenfluh III

A shady seat for a full length lake view

reflections Lake Brienz

Panorama Fürstein II

Pilatus I

Lake Brienz - Interlaken Switzerland

Lungern Lake, Switzerland


Too Tempting To Resist

Steam train from Rothorn brienzer mountain, swirzerland

The Beauty Of The Moonlight

Napf - Emmental - Switzerland

Blick vom Napf

Lake Brienz - Port

Brienzersee (BE)

weather @ Schimberig (LU) . part II


Cinema Planalp (BE)

notch by notch

Un lugar tranquilo 2 - Suiza

Autumn on the lake

Lungern lake

DSC_0213 Lake Lungerersee, Lungern, Switzerland.