View of Fort Clinch

Marsh Landscape. Fernandina beach, Florida

Cloud Junkie

Sanderling (Calidris alba)

Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens)

Fort Clinch State Park, 2601 Atlantic Avenue, Fernandina Beach, Florida, USA

Rainbow over the Beach, Amelia Island, Florida

Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)

Amelia Island

Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens)

Big Talbot Island State Park | Jacksonville

My client closed on the building today. Tenants remain, but pleased to see long term view of Fernandina and Centre Street. #realestate #CRE #ameliaisland

Amelia Island

Amelia Island

View of ramparts and parade ground, Fort Clinch

View of Interior, Fort Clinch

Fort Clinch, Fernandina Beach


Moat, Fort Clinch

View of Porches, St. Michael's Academy

Beach Scene Fernandina Beach, Florida c_1940

A gently curving beach and a pile of boulders.

I'm running late.

Fernandina Beach [Explore]

Amelia Island Lighthouse - Fernandina Florida II

Fort Clinch

Amelia Island Lighthouse - Fernandina Florida

Fort Clinch Cannon

Morning Light at Boneyard Beach (1) | Big Talbot Island State Park, Florida, USA

Morning Light at Boneyard Beach (2) | Big Talbot Island State Park, Florida, USA

Waiting for the world to turn

Rooted in history

*My Answer is Written in the Sand*

Sea Lettuce

First Light

sunrise...Amelia Island, Florida

Big Guns of Fort Clinch

Same river different light


A Perfect Day {Explore!}

Twilight Arrival on Big Talbot Boneyard