Cincy Sunset

Cincinnati Blues

Great American Ball Park

Final Destination [Explored]

Covington and Cincinnati Suspension Bridge -Covington, Kentucky on the south bank of the Ohio River with Cincinnati in the background.

Petroleum Barges going downriver

Prothonotary Warbler (view large)

Northern Parula (view large)

An empty cathedral resounds in fluid motion

Mama Owl (View large)

UFO [Explored]

Cinci serenade

Repair shop, Cincinnati/OH, March 29, 2013

Halloween Anticipation

126e like a flame

8122e3 Determination **Explore**

Evening cruise under the Roebling Suspension Bridge

Louisville & Nashville RR Bridge

Cedar Waxing drinking

Eastern Towhee (View Large)

Barn swallows

Covington Kentucky - Fort Washington Hotel - Downtown - Main Street - Lost Buildings - Gone Destroyed

An Afternon Along Backlick Creek

Queen's Glow

Reflecting Pool

7318ex Reptile House adorned

BNSF 759 - Covington, KY

View of Cincinnati And The Daniel Carter Beard Bridge (aka the “Big Mac Bridge”) From Newport On The Levee-00840

Cincinnati and Covington Looking North along the Licking River

thread the needle | cincinnati [explore]

Great American Ball Park

Great American Ball Park

Cincinnati over the Ohio

NS 376 at Cincinnati, Ohio on July 22, 2018

Bridges of Queen City

CSX Q317-03 at Covington, Kentucky on August 5, 2018

33/52 -- 2019 -- Draped Landscape

Cincinnati Ohio Skyline

Roebling bridge, Cincinnati skyline


Somebody's Overlook, Eden Park, Cincy