Downtown Bellevue DRI (Explored)

At the Break of Day

Dog's Point of View

Sweeping above east shore

Greenlake Sunset

Bellevue DRI

Japanese Maple HDR

A Mantra

G'Night World

Ruby-crowned kinglet

Snow day

Curves Don't Lie

Fade Away

Peony Leaves

Autumn Colors III

Looking To The North

Foggy Lake

Two Loners

Eclipse Composite

Forties Fat Fender Chevrolet

Duck Season's Over (Best viewed full screen).

Lake 2of12


Stay off the moors

Thanksgiving Day.

So Close; So Far

Heritage Park

All That Blue

Fall Colors (Japanese Garden, Seattle, WA)

Tree Watch, October 9th


Winter beauty 2

Union Bay Wetlands Panorama

Intentional Camera Movement (ICM)

The Mountain from today's run.

The cherry trees are beginning to bloom. I love this time of year!

Redmond Watershed Reserve (13)

On the Tolt

Sunrise HDR