A morning cruise

He may be old, but he's spry....

Take Off

View from Rhododendron Gardens


The X Factor

~ paternosta winery i ~

Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens

Distant Melbourne

Sky High

The Blue Shmoo

A taste of winter

Duck drinking problem(s)....

Rebel repair ship "Dauntless"

~ and as I looked down ~

Sabby the Framed Duck.....

A sprinkling of pollen

~ Metallic ~

"I ONCE HAD A ROSE................

Bloody Drips....

Don't drink and Flickr....

Alfred Nicholas Gardens 4

Alfred Nicholas Gardens 3

Sherbrooke Sherbrook Rd 2018 007

Pretty as a Picture

Alfred Nicholas Gardens 1

Alfred Nicholas Gardens 2

Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens

Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens

William Ricketts with his totem - the lyrebird.

Olinda Football Ground

Dynamic Sky

Beauty in shades of green

NRG lake panorama

Very faint rainbow

Autumn splendour at George Tindale Memorial garden in Sherbrooke, Victoria.(set of 12)

Alfred Nicholas Gardens 8

Up in the hills

Silent Conflict

Cloudehill, Olinda (series of 25)

A Lake in a Garden.