Pennsylvania ~ Scenery Hill

Let it Snow

Once Upon a Time

You've got to love what's lovable, and hate what's hateable. It takes brains to see the difference. ~Robert Frost~

Mon River Coal Ops

Brownsville, PA

Auto Glass installed, Brownsville, PA

Morning Coal Train

Steve McCurry

Snowdon Bldg, Brownsville, PA

Pittsburgh from Carroll Township

Brownsville's broken dreams

Topping the hollow

Pennsylvania ~ Fredericktown

Pennsylvania ~ Scenery Hill

Dual View

Speers Bridge HDR

There's a Train Rolling Down the Street!!

Heavy Lifter

Calvary Hill

this is not the view from brian's driveway

Blue, White, Green


View from Deck of High Point Restaurant and Lounge


St Ellien's Orthodox Church, Brownsville, PA

The river runs wide....

WE 3067 @ Charleroi

Monday morning BPRR

Trail of Rust

Scenery Hill Rolling Farm Land

Mon Valley Sunset

Close to crops

Between the trees

Beautiful clouds

Hughes Bridge 1889

Idyll curves

Reservoir in Cokeburg PA

Fields of Green and Yellow

Brush Strokes

Studying for Finals