Pepperell at Dusk

View from the front window II.

Love, Loss and Memories

Under Belly

The Day Is Done

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Kermit Snow Angel (1st Place Boston Globe)

Sunday In Fall

Dunstable Pond


it's not for zombies

End of the Line

C126 + W126

Through the Trees

Ed Harley

Sunrise on the Pond

Aftermarket Rims for the W124

Fall at the office

View from behind the teepee

Genna - Spring 2013 - Londonderry, New Hampshire

Muskrat home?


Moose Hill Orchard - Londonderry, New Hampshire.

it doesn't hurt to try

Almost Home

Moose Hill Orchard - Londonderry, New Hampshire.

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Mack's Apples orchard - Londonderry, N.H.


Dunklee Pond (Morning Fog)

Local Pond


Beaver Brook

Fall Farm Field

Morning on the River