Late evening at Lynsingsbadet, Vastervik.

Lilla Brändö


Läger i Ramsfjärden

Mr Hult himself


Taco dinner

Glass på Örö

Lake View

Lake Maren View

Morning in Västervik

Sunset over the water of Gamlebyviken and S:ta Gertrud Church. Viewed from Stegeholms Slottsruin. #vvik #IG #nofilter

Family Cycling, Vastervik.

Västerviks Museum

Västervick - Velomech und Schärenküste

View from Gränsö

Västerviks Museum

Västerviks Museum

Västerviks Museum

Nan at Rest. Harrys in Västervik


Short heavy showers and low afternoon sun gives nice rainbows with dramatic backdrops.

thick liquid

Sunset after a rainy midsummer day

Snowstorm approaching at Hamnplan #vvik - 1/3 of a panorama. #IG #nofilter

Grazing horse - backlit by the evening sun.

Västervik sunset

Västervik by sunset

Burning Sunset

Sun Set Lake Maren Sweden

The Blue Hour

Snapshot of the calm sky and water - during my evening jog. #vvik

Västervik afternoon skyline #justnow from Kulbacken. #vvik #IG #nofilter

Västervik sunset

Evening at the old coach house

Västervik bay

Camera Roll-523

impressive sky


Christmas Eve