Fall in Missouri

Cedar Hill Mill - No. 1

Anthers on Crown and Stigma Above_DSC8638

I Wonder if the Caterpillar is Worried_DSC3591

The old Beacon Court's neon, on Route 66 at Pacific, Missouri

The old Beacon Court's neon, on Route 66 at Pacific, Missouri

Chickadee on a Rope

Through the trees

Meramec River from Fenton Bridge

View Of Interstate 44 Over Highway 141 That Was Flooded By The Meramec River March 2008

Snowy Ozarks view

Leave Out All The Rest

View from a secret window at church...

Passenger Side View, Highway 44

Pretty noon view at church

Bison Portrait in Snow

Polish Chicken at World Bird Sanctuary - No 1

Golden Eagle at World Bird Sanctuary - No 3

Eagle Staring into Water

American Kestrel - Close-Up

Cedar Hill Mill - No. 3

A Peaceful Walk

Worth It

Lone Elk Park Lake

Taking in the view before scrambling down the precarious, slippery, loose rock bluffs of Castlewood for the first time in years... it's still kinda scary. #birthdayhike #funhogging

Left 4 Dead

Barren field

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

Sunset @Park #5

Forest Staley Park


Lone Elk Park Lake

La_Barque 2


Old Soul

"He said that among men there was no such communion as among horses and the notion that men can be understood at all was probably an illusion." - C.M.


This is the second Instagram of train tracks I've ever taken. Every time I see a picture of train tracks it reminds me of college photo class, where train tracks and power lines are pretty much the only pictures you take.

Break of Day

Sunset w/Church #2

Labarque falls

Castlewood State Park