glow on the water

♪ Oh-h-h... heaven let your light shine down... ♫

golden hour bird box

ok... ok...

beans & leaves

glow at the edge

failure to rotate

sunset ruins

Hoosier views... pretty weeds 1

twilight gooseses

snow & stubble & barn

normally don't like such an extreme crop...

cliché à la minimal

tiny bovine, lotsa sky

lil herd, big sky

Hoosier views... pretty weeds 3

sunset @ the crossing 4

snow ❇ glazed brick barn ruins 2

like the graph of a digital audio file ♫

ummm... well...

Friday night prep...

sunlight & water too

hill o' bovines 3

classified Ichthyoid capture location

Hoosier views... pretty weeds 2

hill o' bovines 1

sunset @ the crossing 3

snowy day pond 1

yeah... from the car window

snow & stubble 2

bins light right

hill o' bovines redux