Fields of Narverød

Oslofjorden at night

Drama at Ilene Nature Reserve

Træleborgodden Blue Hour I

A blue blue hour

The fields of Olsrød

Ihlene late night reflections

Smoke on the water I

Sunrise over Danmark

Sunset at Tønsberg

Sunset at Nes

Flaket seascape

Træleborgodden Blue Hour II


Late Summernight

Clouds over Larkollen

Træleborgodden Blue Hour III

Torgers Island

Seascape from Jarlsø

The Træla Panoramic view

Vrengen panorama

Tønsberg by night I

Træleborgodden dusk I

Skallevoll drama

Calm waters at Vallø

Moonrise at Klopp

Moon over Vallø

Moon over Torgers island

Late nigth bath again

Karlsvika at blue hour

Nøtterøy archipelago

Moon Over Torgers Island

Break on through to the other side


Ambivalent weather conditions II

Slagen Light Trails

Noah - In the air