371. View from atop Quien Sabe summit centered on Black Mountain in the distance

Pink Snow Cactus

Zebra-tailed Lizard

The evening view from Black Mountain.

Seven Springs Lightning Strikes

Land of the Giants

Cool Retro Diner Arrow Sign: Big Earl's Greasy Eats, Cave Creek, Close-up, West View

Desert Horizons

Elephant Mountain Sunrise

View to southwest approaching Black Mesa - Spur Cross

Cool Retro AZ Diner Sign: Big Earl's Greasy Eats, Cave Creek, View to the East

Desert Green Scene

36. View toward McDowell Mountains from Double D Ranch Mine

Harmony Hollow Ranch - whimsical fence - Cave Creek

View from the Skull Mesa Fort

Sugarloaf Mountain and Skull Mesa from Black Mesa Trail - Spur Cross

Concorso Arizona 2009

39. A landscape view looking south from underneath the Tonto Natural Bridge

Sunset over Cave Creek

Sears-Kay Ruins - Tonto National Forest

Retro Diner, Red Arrow Sign: Big Earl's Greasy Eats, Cave Creek, Street View to West, Cave Creek, AZ

Sunset 4.7.13

Geronimo Golf

Welcome to Arizona. Here's a (tone)Map of the Area!

Golf Ball on Renegade

Tree on Geronimo

372. Panorama of distant mountaintop landmarks as seen from summit of Quien Sabe

farewell cave creek

474. Looking back at my return hike along FR 468 from hilltop west of old stone ruin

Lightning from Cave Creek

Arizona country scene

Sunrise from Lone Mountain

Sky on fire.

Arizona snow

476. Skull Mesa - Sugarloaf Mountain - Elephant Mountain - Black Mesa

following the path

6. Verde River and Mazatzal Wilderness backdrop as seen from atop Indian Butte

4. Verde River and Mazatzal Wilderness backdrop as seen from hilltop northwest of Indian Butte

3. Verde River and Mazatzal Wilderness backdrop as seen from hilltop northwest of Indian Butte

475. Sun flare captured over FR 468 in the Tonto National Forest