Neotropic Cormorant

Neotropic Cormorants

American Coot

View southeast from north end of Campbell Avenue. Tucson, Arizona.

Door 345

Holiday 2011 20 - Eye of the Sky

silver saddle steakhouse

Close Lightning

Male American Kestrel

derelict neptune. tucson, az. 1999.

"all roads lead to The Buffet"

Vermillion Flycatcher

road/bridge textured

Mallard Duck Hen

cool, dry comfort

airplane graveyard. tucson, az. 1999.

Blue hour view south from 'A' Mountain toward Mexico.

Pusch Ridge in the rain. Santa Catalina Mountains, Tucson, Arizona.

Desert decor. Tucson, Arizona.

Moving In

the buffet cocktails package liquors, tucson, est 1934

Columbus Lake

Columbus Lake II


Just Another Tequila Sunrise....

Neotropic Cormorant

Catalina Mountains

Monsoon rain over the Tortolitas - view north from 'A' Mountain. Tucson, Arizona. EXPLORE - Aug. 24, 2013.

Sabino Canyon

At the mouth of Sabino Canyon. Tucson, Arizona.

Crystalline Landscape

A Rugged Hillside of Rocks, Boulders and Saguaro Cactus

At the mouth of Sabino Canyon (2). Tucson, Arizona.

...shadows from the sunset (from the moving car)

...the desert has a beauty of its own

American Kestrel Male (Explored 6-18-18)

...a mysterious night

Wow view

...at the end of the trail

Day Forty Eight

Sunset view west from 'A' Mountain, 1. Tucson, Arizona.

The view on the way back. #CoffeeKen #divine_deserts #adventureanywhere #hiking #azlife #borntobunk #hiking