Neotropic Cormorant

View west from north end of Campbell Avenue, Tucson, Arizona.

View southeast from north end of Campbell Avenue. Tucson, Arizona.

Desert decor. Tucson, Arizona.

Sanctuary of the Benedictine Monastery, Tucson, Arizona. View east toward the altar.

At the Benedictine Monastery. Tucson, Arizona.

At the Benedictine Monastery, 3. Tucson, Arizona

the buffet cocktails package liquors, tucson, est 1934

Door 345

Sanctuary of the Benedictine Monastery, Tucson, Arizona. View west from the altar toward the rose window.

Electric Fountain :: Non-HDR

The house in the clouds. Tucson, Arizona.

courage and the moon [IMG_1090]

Sunset view from 'A' Mountain, 2. Tucson, Arizona.

Wow view

Sunset view west from 'A' Mountain, 1. Tucson, Arizona.

At the Benedictine Monastery, 2. Tucson, Arizona.

Spring Break really did her good!

The view on the way back. #CoffeeKen #divine_deserts #adventureanywhere #hiking #azlife #borntobunk #hiking

Monsoon rain over the Tortolitas - view north from 'A' Mountain. Tucson, Arizona. EXPLORE - Aug. 24, 2013.

the loft

Columbus Lake II

Columbus Lake

...shadows from the sunset (from the moving car)

...the desert has a beauty of its own

...a mysterious night

Catalina Mountains

Day Forty Eight

Sunset view of the Tucson Mountains from 'A' Mountain. Tucson, Arizona.

Great-tailed Grackel

Western Wood-pewee

I Will Be Light

Say's Phoebe

Alternate view of Thimble Peak

#tucson #arizona #pima #pimaair #spacemuseum

20170703 Rock Retaining Landscape Feature

Saguaro cactuses at sunset, Sentinel Peak Park, Tucson, Arizona

St Philips Plaza

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