Federal Sign & Signal 2T22 - Shelby, NC

Dorman @ Gaffney

Dorman @ Gaffney

Goodbye Gaffney

130201-0802 Grover

To view peach (again)...

Another view of the burned out part


Old Colonial Road

174 Forest Primeval Img256_02

199 Presidential Recognition Img256_09

189 Woods Img256_07

226 Major Ferguson Falls Img256_16

Autumn Abstract no.1

KIng's Mountain National Historic Park

On the way back from Brown's Mountain

188 Shoot Tree to Tree Img256_06

Old Merry-go-round

Visitor center

Kudzu, Near Shelby, North Carolina, U.S. 74

Limestone College

Shimmering stream

99 Islands Dam

Broad River at Cherokee Falls



Winding Park

KIng's Mountain National Historic Park