Lines and Angles

frame of reference

View from the Yacht Club

A Boat On Blue Bay

Leo Constellation Connecticut Astrophotography NightScape Tourism

Hello Inuk!

Mystic Seaport | Groton, CT

Headwaters of the Mystic River

Eunice Edgerton Huntington Strong in Mourning, Albumen Carte de Visite, Circa 1862

Aralia spinosa

Groton Congregational United Church of Christ

I am one fine Swan (Cygnus olor)

the big picture

New London Ledge Light, Connecticut (& Race Rock Light, New York)

Barn Island Star Trails

Always grateful for a river view... 2016-02-02 #365grateful #riverside #riverside #wanderlust #doyoutravel #ontheroadagain #traveling #jj_blackwhite #blackandwhite #monochrome

View from Fort Griswold

Branford House - Connecticut

Shine On

Nice little view here as we roll into town.

Wedding. View.

New London Harbor Light

Savoring a Seaside Sunset

Breakwater / Digue

Bluff Point

Navigating Norwich

Harkness BW

Here we go again.....

Look Before You Leap

Once upon a time...

Digging in the Archives

Beneath the Japanese Feather Maple

Some Alone Time

Night Tree Mystic seaport Connecticut Astrophotography

Japanese Feather Maple

Sunset Watch

Breakwater / Digue

Red Glow

Foamy Antics on the Yantic