Jolly Green Giant

Fall Foliage in Cornish, NH

Jenne Farm

New Hampshire Fall Foliage viewed from Windsor, Vermont

Pure Rutland

Backdoor View

VTR 432 - Ludlow, VT

Vermont Autumn

Four-O-Five Friday Freight

Here is another view of the same tree line of fall colors from Vermont in October 2016. It was one of those perfect fall days - cool air, bring sunshine, and beautiful colors! . . . . . # vermont #VT #vermontlife #vermontliving #igvermont #govermont #WeL

American Morning

Mount Ascutney

Ascutney late afternoon

Piedmont Farm

early Autumn Ascutney

Jenne Farm dreams

Old South Church Cemetery

house on The Green, Woodstock VT

Mountain Rainbow

Good Spot for a Picnic

2016 06-15 1240 VTR SD70M-2-432 S/B GMRC-263 Proctorsville, VT

Jenne Farm

Jenne Farm

Swim into the picture

The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously…

Autumn Dream

Autumn on a Vermont Pond

Grandfather Maple Tree

Ascutney Mountain

Vermont Farmland

Covered Bridge at Sunset

Vermont Barn

The Arch Tree

Deluge Season: Soggy in Vermont. August 3, 2018

Vermont Autumn Water & Color

summer stream