Grandview Drive

Autumn Colors

Bird's Eye View

After the Ice Storm

Is it going to be like this all day?

Locks of Love 01032017: Explored #294

Peoria from 1.83

Red, White and Boom

Triple Strike

Red North

Grandview Shelf

Peoria Lake Lightning

Spirit of Peoria

Windy Aurora

Thin Blue Line

Peoria Skyline Strike

Another view of the stones

Illinois' Wildlife Prairie State Park

TP&W 1000 and Friends

Day 1/365: Let's Get Under Way

Raise the White Flag

Twilight Marina



Wildlife Prairie Park

Autumn Wonderland

Snow in Peoria

Creek at winter time.

Spring Green

Sunset Through Flooded Trees

It sounded awful when the boat ran over these sheets of ice

Peoria Skyline Et Cetera

Cool Breeze

The water is very shallow here & the various birds can walk around

Early Fall Colors

Late Afternoon in the Forest 11102013

BNSF Peoria Sub opens after THE FLOOD OF 2013.

Abandoned Pabst Building 01272020

Farmdale Meadow