Morning light breaking through the fog

Billowing clouds

Tiffany Bridge HDR 2

Janesville Night Session

Wisconsin & Southern Railroad

Railroad roundhouse & engines in B&W

Winter wonderland

Quiet time at Rotary Gardens

views along the Rock River

Turning up the heat

5 arch stone railroad bridge in B&W

views along the Rock River

at the gas station: semi

Off the trail & into the brush, a different shoreline on Rock River

Red barn in the woods

views along the Rock River

WSOR Locomotives, Roundhouse and Turntable

Roadside fiberglass dairycow of truck country.

views along the Rock River

views along the Rock River

Rock River viewed from Happy Hollow Park

Tiffany Stone Arch Bridge

Spigot in the Sky

WSOR 4054 on T1

Rock River Crossing

puffy clouds

061417 (110)

road to heaven

Long rows

Ferris Wheel Fantasies

Detouring Beaver

061417 (63)

Carnival Dreams

Big Hill Park trees

Lions Pond at Rotary Botanical Gardens, Janesville WI, USA

a different winter's day

Tiffany 5 Arch Railroad Bridge over Turtle Creek

In the distance...

10.30.11 big hill park w ali-0858.jpg

Janesville, WI, Rotary Botanical Gardens, Japanese Garden Landscape