Barn Swallow in Flight1

A Great Horned Owl

a White-throated Gem

Craning...his Neck

Osprey With Perch

Flying With Shad III

Great-crested Flycatchers House Hunting

The Red-tail's Parting Shot

Green Lane Reservoir in Late Winter

1/365 - View Road

a Sandhill Crane

Green Lane Reservoir in Late Winter

Kestrel Comes Around XI

Broad Wing II

Green Lane Reservoir in Late Winter

Green Lane Reservoir in Late Winter

Green Lane Reservoir in Late Winter

Utter insanity as I observe this thunderstorm slowly swallow the sky around me & gradually obscure those distant thunderhead clouds from view

Green Lane Reservoir in Late Winter

Evansburg State Park 017

Evansburg State Park 018

Composition With Kingfisher

House Wren_2016

Evansburg, Pennsylvania

The Enforcer

Flicker Landscape

2013 January 13 Peace Valley fog-9

fall landscape_upper salford park

Lone Tree

Pond life. The extra hour of daylight is totally worth "losing" that hour! #daylightsavings #stoneycreek #lansdalepa #lansdale #theworldaccordingtomak2016 #mytown

Shoot The Moon I

Coming In

Evansburg State Park - Tree Carvings

Evansburg State Park - Skippack Creek

Evansburg State Park - Skippack Creek

Road to Nowhere

Green Heron Lands on a Foggy Morning

Foggy Morning

perkiomen_old warehouse1

Evansburg State Park - Skippack Creek

sunset on Lake Galena

Common Yellowthroat_2016