Bird Foot

Seminole Reenactor, Fort Cooper State Park

Militiaman Reenactor on Horse, Fort Cooper State Park

Inverness Police FL USA (2001) - Ford Taurus

Inverness Police FL USA

Black Diamond Ranch: The Quarry Panorama

Just The Right Twig, Homosassa Springs SP

American Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)

Full moon over Crystal River

Great Horned Owl

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

Crested Caracara Close-up

Great Egret (Ardea alba) in Breeding Plumage

Three Sisters Springs

Fish, Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park

Underwater Viewing

Flamingo Bands


The Rear View

View from Left Rear, 1936 Rolls Royce

Rear Side View, 2000 Dodge Intrepid

Homosassa Springs

Wallace Brooks Park

Three Sisters Springs

Hunter Springs Park on First Day of Winter, Crystal River

Calm harbor

Lynn gets pretty far ahead

Manatees at Three Sisters Springs


Spring lagoon

Manatees at Three Sisters Springs

Hunter Spring Park

Manatees at Three Sisters Springs

Three Sisters Springs with Swimmers and Kayakers

Turtle on the Lake

Crystal River, Florida 3 Sisters Springs

My first river, fresh water dive. Diver just beyond the ledge.

Cool bird
