Winterset, Iowa

Filtered Sunrise

2900+ Views - Bonnie & Clyde Stuart, Iowa

DIY Reflector

UP 5837 - Raccoon River - Van Soto, IA

Frosted Wire

Adel Water Tower

Winter Barn

My view from where I am presenting into #mnmemo this morning. :) Can't wait to share with my Minnesota teacher librarian friends.

Sunrise on Snow

Chive Chevre

Falling Down

Hi there, how's your road trip going? On White Pole Road in Stuart, Iowa (IA) (DTA_4576)

Iowa 6-15-11

Iowa III

I love fall in Iowa.

Another thing I love about the fall on my drive home.

Beautiful fall morning in Madison County....

Midwest Farm Oasis along the White Pole Road, Dexter, Iowa (DTA_4560)

Iowa Landscape I

Dark stormy skies coming.

US 6 or The White Pole Road, Dexter, Iowa (IA) (DTA_4559)

Texture striping yarn. Newest #obsession. #yarn #handspun #handmade #green #fiber #felt #fibershed #fiberart #fibergeek #stripes #gradient #fairtrade #mohair #maker #lincolnwool #wool #weaver #weaveweird #artyarn #artisan #etsy #girlwithasword #buymyyarn

It's hard work

The Start of the White Pole Road, Dexter, Iowa (IA) (DTA_4559)

Morning walk with @briperryy and Roman

a game of baseball tonight with hagan and cam

All I want is to be with you.

10_Raccoon River at terminal moraine

StormChasing 405

Iowa life!

2013-10-24 07.03.03