Cascade Falls

Green Heron in Tree Above Wilde Lake...Columbia, Maryland

Bald Eagle gets his Prey

room with a view, Savage style

Garrison Forest

Howard County Fog 2

Greater White-fronted Goose at First Light...Howard County, Maryland

In a New York minute everything can change

red heart shaped

Garrison Forest ~ out the barn window

BaltiMore Sun(Set!) - IMRAN™ -- 5,500+ Views! Explored!

Green Heron...View Two of Three...Pausing To Scratch

Rough-legged Hawk (Documentation) Howard County, MD

Bokeh Apple

Two Trees

kitchen window decoration

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Breeding male)

<- ->

off the beaten path

Layers of Leaves

One More From Yesterday

pure morning

Patapsco SP ~ Cascade Falls

Garrison Forest School ~ Fall pond

Footbridge in the Snow

Its beginning to look a bit like autumn

Forest Path

Seepage Dancer on a Perfect Perch

Sunday hike

Autumn falls

babblin and rustlin

Off the Path, Part One of Two

Foggy Morning at the Lake

what happens when the sun goes down

Angel Hair Water

last snow of the season?

High Grass at Sunset [06.28.12]

Autumn Birches

Spring has sprung...a leak!

Winter Cattails

Fall Colors on Red Run Stream Vally, Owings Mills, Maryland (USA) - Nov 2013