Sportin' Daisy-Dukes

Green Nymph

Sedona, Arizona. Breath taking views. #mountain #mountains #sky #beautiful #view #scenery #nature #hike #hiking #landscape #clouds #ic_landscapes #mountainview #bestoftoday #nature_seekers #instanature #instanaturelover #landscape_lovers #peak #landscapes

Showing Signs of Wear But Still Flying

Space Suddenly Became Sanguine


Once Upon A Time In The Southwest

The Daily Renewal Of Hope

A Contemporary Stonehenge

Rank And File

Series of areola on Giant Saguaro cactus

New Moon

Snowbird Arrival

Mid-Century Modern Bowling Alley: Vintage Christown Lanes, View to Southwest, Phoenix, AZ

Anatomy Of A Sunset

Freshly Mowed Pond

Tonto Natural Bridge Payson, Az

I took this picture at the base of Bell Mountain in Sedona, AZ.


Doin' You

A Short Stroll ToThe Sun

Downtown Phoenix from 23rd Place

From North Mountain earlier today

I 17 Sunset point

Today's morning #hike... #whpthroughthetrees

Myebay2016.com. John Osborn have a wonderful day :-) everyone #fox10phoenix #waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls @myebay2016.c.o.m_john @myebay2016com

I'm Back

#waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls John Osborn myebay2016.com. have a wonderful day :-) everyone check out my store earn rewards

AND MANY MORE! - #Phoenix #AlwaysKillinIt #Arizona #AZ #PhoenixFood #PhoenixArizona #ILoveBurritos #ITouchedHerHand #ArtIsStupid #Sun #Sunday

#waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls myebay2016.com John Osborn have a wonderful day :-) everyone :-)