Orpheum Theatre (Before Restoration): Champaign, IL (2001)

Portrait of an artist as a young man

I am an earthworm

Illini Union Art Exhibition: North Korea A Personal View

Parked in the Handicapped Spot

With a View to a Kill

Taking the wider view

Orpheum Theatre (Before Restoration): Champaign, IL (2001)

Buried tracks

Aerial View of Champaign Yard

Orpheum Theatre (Before Restoration): Champaign, IL (2001)

Termite's eye view

Doing the P&E shuffle

A view from the dark side


An Urbana view

Cherry Tree

Like this view

Champaign Skyline

Champaign, IL HOTEL painted sign

#urbana #illinois #helicopter #views #launchpad

Blue Sky

Tis the season

2012-10-25 HDR Clouds №027a

2012-10-25 HDR Clouds №041

Round Barn and Horses

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Memorial flags

2012-10-25 HDR Clouds №040

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Comin' up around the bend

2012-10-20 Busey Woods №012

2012-11-22 Thanksgiving Afternoon №021

Botanical Gardens in Champaign

Pardon me, miss, do you have the time?


It's a new day...what will you make of it? #sunrise #inspiration #motivation #letsdothis

Crystal Lake Park

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#Illinois #country #fields #aglife #corn #sky

Comin' up around the bend
