View to the Outside
Purple Hues
The Greene Nile
IANR 173083
Work at Marble Rock
Iowa Northern; Rockford, IA
Greene, IA post office
Last queijada didn't survive last flight
Scattered clouds over the Great Plains
Greene Iowa, Butler County IA
IANR 173055
IANR 173100
IANR 173038
Storefront Block (Greene, Iowa)
Centennial Hall (Greene, Iowa)
Post Office 50636 (Greene, Iowa)
Iowa Northern Rwy. 2493 (Rebuilt EMD CF7)
IANR 458 rural Marble Rock 2
IANR 458 Greene
IANR 458 rural Marble Rock
Post Office 50653 (Marble Rock, Iowa)
IANR 3802 on North Job, Greene, IA
Greene Iowa, Butler County IA