Sosnowiec Pogoń from the roof - huge panorama

Sosnowiec Pogoń from the roof

Sosnowiec Pogoń from the roof

Sosnowiec Pogoń from the roof - huge panorama

Shadow And Light

Shadow And Light

Sosnowiec Pogoń from the roof

Spodek side view

Department store

Mine Shaft

Katowice - Culture Zone

Polish Landscape - Jaworzno Park Grudek

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Silent night

Polish Landscape - Jaworzno Park Grudek

Autumn in the city. Poland September 2013

Happy New Year 2018!

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For Her...

Katowice views


In the park (7)

In the park (2)

Amazing cirrus eye - Cavum

Medieval castle in Będzin

Jaworzno - old Koparki / Gródek quarry panorama

Jaworzno - Geosfera

Setting sun & playground

Winter picture ...

In the park (1)

Siemianowice - city hall

Jaworzno - Geosfera

Jaworzno - Geosfera

Jaworzno - Geosfera

Jaworzno - old Koparki / Gródek quarry

Czeladź - Grodziec panorama

In the park (6)