CSXT K538, Sonora, KY

Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace

The Development of Abraham Lincoln

The Inside View

Nancy Lincoln Inn- Hodgenville KY (2)

Nancy Lincoln Inn- Hodgenville KY (1)

A Window to the World

View of lake today!

Abraham Lincoln 1865 TudioJepegii

Two Giant Wire Frame Heads

Noon, Kentucky

Glendale KY

Modern Kentucky Forest

You'll Remember Me When the West Wind Moves

CSXT Q534, Glendale, KY

Another Boardwalk Trail

My Sandbox

Lincoln Birthplace NHP, Ky

Foggy Morning in Kentucky

Foggy Morning in Kentucky

Foggy Morning in Kentucky

CSX Q201-30, Sonora,KY 7/30/2014

Fixin' the electric fence out back of the main field. Feels good to be in the country.

Foggy Morning in Kentucky

Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP

From Bowling Green on I65 North - Kentucky - USA

Pick Me Pick Me.

From Bowling Green on I65 North - Kentucky - USA