Rusty Car among Flowers. (Columbia Hills, WA)

Columbia River, Dallesport, Washington

American Empress

A View From A Hill

A Slanted View

Rowena Crest

View on Columbia River from Rowena Crest Overlook. Rowena Crest, OR)

Eighteen Mile Island and the Columbia River at Sunrise

gorge view

Autumn climb to Rowena Crest

2000-09-16 1405 BN 3148 Lyle, WA

USA // Oregon // U.S. National Scenic Area // Columbia River Gorge

Full moon sets over The Dalles and Mt Hood in early morning light

Is the Columbia River National Scenic Area still scenic?

The American Empress Lewis and Clark cruise

Creature from another planet

Looking Out Onto the Columbia River Gorge

Morning view to Mt Hood.K3II1566

The Gorge from aplenglow on Mt Adams to a total eclipse of the harvest moon

The Raven: Once upon a full moon rising

Sunrise illuminates Mt. Hood and the setting full moon over The Dalles

Rusty Car at Night (Dalles Mountain Ranch, WA)

Abandoned Car at Sunrise (Dalles Mountain Ranch Park, WA)

UP 3445 East at The Dalles, OR

Sunrise at Rowena Crest, OR

BNSF 9230 + 8174, Horsethief Park, Washington, USA, 24.09.2017

Columbia River from Coyote Creek Trail

BNSF 9230 + 8174, Avery - North Dalles (Washington, USA)

BNSF 5793 + 4694, Bingen - Lyle (Washington, USA)

An amber weapon pressures my blatant combat.

BNSF 3828 + 7265 + 8267, Lyle - Bingen, Washington, USA, 30.09.2017

Lyle, Washington

BNSF 8222+5346+1658+1794, The Dalles (USA), 3.10.2017

BNSF At Tunnel 10

Sunset Silhouette of Mt. Hood

Bingen, Washington

Twilight comes to the Columbia

Columbia River Commerce and Color