Many Clouds 1

Snow Farming on the Snake River Plain 4

Snow Farming on the Snake River Plain 1

Agropyron cristatum

Two Mountain Ranges Terminating in One Photo

Mud Lake, Idaho

Finally! Wireless Electricity is Here!

Mud Lake Storefront

Mud Lake, Idaho mini-break

ID-33 East - Sacajawea Historic Byway

Elymus cinereus

Phyllis Sanders. 1960

Elymus flavescens

1957 Ford Ranchero

Simplex Automatic Motorcycle 1956

Phillips 66 Gas Station, Monteview, Idaho. Then and Now

Snow Farming on the Snake River Plain 2

Snow Farming on the Snake River Plain Panorama 1

Great Eclipse of 2017, Mud Lake ID

BK's Motel, Mud Lake, ID

East Idaho Sunrise

Trumpeter Swans