Tipton County, TN Courthouse - Covington, TN

Little Fried Caesars (front view)

Arby's used cars (not really!)

Tipton County Courthouse Corner View - Covington, TN

Awnings along the street

Fort Pillow 093

Ruffin Theater

Fort Pillow 024

Low Clearance

Little Fried Caesars

This was just before #DarthVader's lightsaber was irreparably broken. Now he just "can't be happy anymore."

Harry on the phone with Santa. Marty McFly on the TV.

Anaheim Nº 14

11/1/2014 Overnight in TN

Ruffin Theater - Tipton County

Civil War Monument in Covington Town Square






Low Clearance

Low Clearance

Old Abandoned Home outside of Covington, TN

It was a perfect day to drive with Mom to Jamestown community in Tipton County. There's nothing like cruising through those curvy roads and sightseeing. Definitely had to capture Bright Hill MB Church where I sat on the mourning bench at 7 years old and w

Arby's (Covington TN)